4 simple steps to optimize its conversion rate
Anouk Jodry, 2018/03/05
Understand what is your conversion rate and learn how to optimize it with four practical and easy to implement advices.

The conversion rate is a percentage of users that have made an action in particular. For example a conversion could be the action to subscribe to your newsletter. In this case the conversion rate represent people that subscribe to your newsletter = x divided by all your visitors = Y.
Conversion rate = x / Y
In general, it is the ratio of the number of people that made an action you defined previously, to the amount of visitors you had on your website. How to optimize this figure on your website? That is to say maximize the number of targeted actions?
Who is my TARGET? To whom are you talking?
The definition of your user’s profile is fundamental to establish a solid conversion strategy: knowing exactly what are your target’s needs and wants ensures to have a relevant communication strategy based on real facts. It fosters the implementation of a not only quantitative but also qualitative traffic, because users that enter and visit your website have shown a real interest in your product or service.
When you set up an inbound strategy (creation of attractive content on its website, such as blog articles) or outbound strategy (ads that redirect to your website) that targets specific users, you have greater chances that they buy / subscribe /… So knowing very well your client is a little step toward conversion rate optimisation!
But how to define your target profile ? 6 question are to be asked :
- Who is the user of my product or service ? What need does my service or product meet ?
- What is my customer typology ? (age, gender, SPC, place, consumption type, buying power, etc… )
- Who is buying ?
- Who is paying for it ?
- Does your product respond to a seasonal logic? ( like for ice cream, or fashion)
Content first !
Leave nothing to chance : your wording and design must be carefully achieved on each of your pages, and particularly on the home and product page. Try to make every section load as fast as it can: watch the size and weight of the images.
Your sales argument must be well done and presented. Think ahead the doubts that may arise to your users before they even ask for those. If they have to spend time searching for informations because they can’t find it at once, it is very likely that they leave your page right away.
In other words, build trust and make sure you provide everything your client want to know, in a simple way !
One golden rule : THE SIMPLER THE BETTER
Putting yourself in the shoes of the user could be useful to determine the core questions that he asks himself: what kind of information do I need to know in the first place? (sizes, materials, guarantees, ...), how much does it cost to send home? How many days will I receive my order, will I receive it at home or should I pick it up? In this case in which center / shop? Can I return my product if it does not suit me? How do I have to do? Do I have to pay the return?
The user must be able to easily navigate, and quickly understand the architecture of your website.
Analyse your users behaviour
Once your communication strategy has been implemented, take a look at the achieve results which is the impact that it had. Google Analytics is a tool you must know by heart to analyze the behavior of your users, and your acquisition funnel. It is an indispensable free tool.
One can for example consult the daily, semanal, or monthly traffic, compare it to other periods, watch the conversion rate over these periods, and deduce the effectiveness of the efforts carried out on its social networks, or elsewhere.
Be careful because having more traffic does not necessarily mean having more conversions. This depends, among other factors, on the quality of targeting done at the beginning.
Take a look at the origin of your visitors: where does your traffic come from? what was the road of your users on the website? where and when are they leaving your web page and why?
Fullstory is also a very interesting tool to analyze the behavior of your users, because it enables you to see a video capture of the actions they perform on your site. There is a free and non-free version with more features. This is a platform that gives you many keys to understand how your users browse the website: among the statistics calculated and recorded videos, you will also find trends, top users, rage clicks, etc …
Be more human in your blog
First and foremost, humanising your website is establishing a climate of trust with your users. How to proceed ? Promote content that responds to your users' questions and establish a dialogue with them: creating a blog is an ideal approach for this.
Feed your blog articles on topics that affect your target, and connect with the articles you sell. It may sound silly, but do not just use stock photo images, because the risk is to look too generic. Establishing a bond of trust also means returning a positive self-image in a real situation!
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