Subforce, quality website for free
Antoine Jouve, 2017/06/09
Associate quality, efficiency and professionalism with Subforce. We propose you a responsive and attractive design ensuring you a SEO of quality in order to your potential customers will find you easily. Our interest is your success.

You want to make people discover yours products, bring forward a company or an idea. A website is indispensable for that. At Subforce we are creating free eCommerce and showcase websites and helping our customers to promote them in order to increase the company visibility thanks to quality SEO (Search Engine Optimization) .
Creation of quality eCommerce and showcase websites for free
The availability and speed of a website are now essential, statistics shows that a website should be loaded in 2 seconds, it has been shown that 40% of users leave a website beyond 3 seconds of loading time.
In order to ensure this Subforce is using the latest technologies which are more powerful than the old ones, the technologies we are working with are than twice faster than the one used in the most of actuals websites. We are not using turnkey solutions to build our websites, most of the time there is no need for most of the functionalities using those solutions, removing them increase the speed of our websites. Furthermore, those kind of website are using old technologies which decrease their speed.
Finally, Subforce is managing the hosting for our websites, with that we are able to have quality servers without impacting the price our customers are paying for.
In addition to solid basis, we advise our customers to help them improving their website and increasing the number of persons on them website working with SEO and social networks.
Optimisation and web traffic increasement thanks to SEO
A high-quality website for yours users to be satisfied, but the needs will also to make sure that users find your eCommerce and showcase websites.
To ensure this Subforce is working with a lot of social networks to share news about our customer’s companies and thus increase the traffic.
Furthermore to the socials networks, we make a point to increase our website’s SEO. This is a way to make sure that our websites are directly visible when someone search on Google or Bing. It is easy to see why a website being in the top 3 results will have more visits than an other one on the 5th page. Using our solution our customers are in the first google pages with keywords in relation with their website thanks to our SEO optimisation.
In addition to those two solutions, our customers want us to solve theirs problems, for example, we work with our customers to optimize their website (SEO, design, speed, customer experience), we have already faced most of the issues they may have with our previous customers.
project monitoring
The design of our websites is completely free, our customers only have a monthly subscription ensuring them high quality services as well the opportunity to make their website evolve as they want. Compared to other web development agencies, we have everything to gain from delivering quality websites. Indeed we are only earning money if our customers are satisfied by their websites.
That is why we are doing the best as we can to ensure that our websites meet the expectation of our customers.
Subforce is provide marketing solutions to promote eCommerce and showcase websites or products on advertising networks like Adwords or Bing Ads. We can also manage socials networks like Google+, Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin for our customers.
To sum up, we are creating free quality eCommerce and showcase website, our customers only have a monthly subscription guaranteeing them a personalised service. In the interest of all to create websites that meet the expectation of our customers.
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