Why having a website is unavoidable ?
Pauline Jouve, 2017/07/17
website creation is important

The first IPhone release in 2007 marks the beginning of the internet use explosion. Thereafter, smartphones and tablets were more accessible and their purchase became a commonplace so much so that it was strange to not having one.
Consequently, having its own website becomes vital for a company. La Redoute is a good example. The company was one of the first in digital transformation. It migrate online on 1994. It e commerce website rank is now among the world's top, and 78% of it turnover happens online.
Website creation is important for two key reasons : stay competitive and gain in popularity.
First, a company must create a website to not lose market share. If your business doesn’t have a website, the competitors will take your place. The way of consuming has, indeed, changed since the last ten years. The consumer has now more needs to think and to find about before purchasing. For example, to go to the restaurant, many people check on Trip Advisor to have the previous customer's opinion. That way, the restaurant owner which is not referenced on internet loses many customers.
Moreover, with the Internet, distance, timetable or product quantity don’t exist anymore. You will be able to be open 24h/7d on be present on every continent without being a multinational.
However, for the website to have an impact on the company’s reputation it must be visible and well referenced in search engines: it calls SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
Let’s talk about the second reason why having a website is unavoidable: it is an excellent marketing tool. If it creation is optimised in term of SEO then the investment sould be profitable. Indeed, marketing campaigns (Adwords, socials networks…) allow to reach precisely the desired target (edge, localisation, hobbies …). The presence on the Internet reach a wild public which is more able to buy. Moreover, having a website provides access to a back office which is a statistic tool useful to analyse the consumer's behaviours. You will know which product is the most/less popular and you will have some explication to know why. In addition to attract customers, to reassure them and make them buy, having a website is useful to make them want to come back. The customer can contact you when he wants and he doesn’t need to go outdoor. You can also contact them thanks to data collection and send follow up email.
Having a website is unavoidable to be profitable. According to Email Broker company, in 2013, eight company out of ten which run into bankruptcy hadn’t a website. So if you haven’t take the leap, think about it!
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