How my Instagram account can be more attractive ?
Amandine, 2019/11/07
If you want to gain visibility on social medias and especially on Instagram, we give you some tips to follow to be a star on this media.

With more than 1 billion users worldwide Instagram became one of the social media the most used especially by the millennials. This is nowadays the largest digital marketing tools for any companies and any brand or businesses looking for growth and conversion.
This article will give you some keys to develop your content on Instagram which will reflect your brand identity and will give you the opportunity to share and express yourself. Build a real community around the same interest is a way to keep users interested and to bring new ones.
Here are some tips to follow if you want your instagram account to become attractive and even famous (who knows ?).
Be simple
Define your editorial position. Instagram pages that increase the number of followers are the one with coherence where publications are focused on one general topic such as travel, fashion, beauty, fitness, food etc.
By creating publication around one main subject you will reinforce your brand identity and you will gain credibility. The more simple you will be the more visibility you will get.
Be creative
An Instagram page represents 80% of visual. The pictures are the most watched items so you have to pay attention to them. We all know brands who never seems to run out of ideas for creative Instagram content. They look cool, funny and original by the content they post on Instagram. Users will be attracted by quality pictures and beautiful design. By choosing one filter and the same type of colors you increase the chance to raise awareness. No needs to be the most talented photographer, a good smartphone and the right angle will do the job.
Instagram does not have all the functionalities to create a special and original content that will make the difference with other brands. Do not panic ! Other tools exist that will simplify your publications and make them unique. Besides, they are simple to use and most of them are free.
VSCO Cam : with a large range of filters from the simplest to the most sophisticated, this is the right place to find inspiration and also editing tools to make beautiful photos and videos.
Layout : Created by Instagram, this app is perfect for photo editing and easy to manipulate. You will be able to share your creation directly on Instagram.
Hyperlapse Also created by Instagram, it is a tool that create amazing time-lapse: thanks to a camera stabilization you can film any types of videos and publish them directly on your Instagram account.
Be coherent and keep credibility
Publish photos on a regular basis with a minimum of 3 publications per week to raise users attention and to build your brand community. Make sure your legend is coherent with the picture well written and inspiring. Your goal is to communicate with users throughout your publication and keep a strong relationship with them.
Here is an app that will help you in your post creation :
Preview App : It will allow you to plan your Instagram feed before posting anything on Instagram. You can also check how visually is going to look like and from the app you can then directly share on Instagram.
Be a hashtag user
Hashtags have become increasingly popular on Instagram. It is a way to categorize publications which means associate it in a specific universe. Focusing on different categories will show to your followers that the product can fit into their life. It is an intelligent tool to generate more traffic because users can search publication with hashtags et find more easily yours. By targeting your publication you will touch the right people and become part of a much bigger conversation. Don’t hesitate to encourage your audience to tag pictures with your hashtags to have a better impact and make them actively participate to your product promotion. Build a community around the same interest would drive loyalty and would facilitate the contact with users.
To see which hashtag is relevant to use you can check on Tagboard
Be a storyteller
The best way to catch users’ attention is to tell them stories that fits with your brand image such as anecdotes, jokes, tips or advice. Users will be happy to receive information for those they have a particular interest.
Instagram stories are a way to share short message to all your followers on a limited period of time of 24 hours. This is an opportunity to share daily messages where your audience can react and give their opinions. It is very important to share and interact with you community. You will see that you will gain in visibility and reliability.
Don’t forget that you cannot force users to buy your product or to follow your account. You are supposed to show them your own sense of style and personality. What are the values you are standing for ? And what are you doing to involve them in your business activity ?
Now you have all the clues, it is your turn ! Show us your instagramer talents !
For more information regarding social media strategy, let's have a look at our article.
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